
Vision and values

handsOur vision at Richmond West primary School is to value language and foster a community of life – long learners. We strive to develop articulate, socially responsible and resilient individuals who are working towards achieving their full potential.

Richmond West Primary School sees its central purpose as giving students the choice of a comprehensive bilingual education enabling all students to become literate, numerate and curious learners who have the capacity to contribute to society now and in the future as global citizens.

This philosophy is expressed through the school’s commitment to:

  • A curriculum that is child centred with a strong commitment to multiculturalism/global citizenship, including bilingual and community language programs as well as English as a second language
  • Teaching strategies based in inquiry learning, differentiated teaching, student directed learning, cooperative and shared learning
  • English learning embedded across the curriculum
  • Differentiated personalised learning through combinations of flexible, multi-age, multicultural, mixed ability classrooms
  • Consultative decision making to maximise participation and give voice to parents, teachers and students
  • Use of ICT, specialist teachers, extra-curricular opportunities, excursions and camps to extend learning to beyond the school boundaries
  • A high level of cooperative team planning and ongoing professional learning
  • Policy and procedure to equal opportunity and integration
  • Shared core values reflected in interactions between all stakeholders
  • Teaching and learning in programs that are responsive to individual needs and differences
  • Implementation the Victorian Curriculum

Richmond West has three core values which equip our students to meet the challenges of the future

  • Belonging
  • Resilience
  • Striving for personal success